Professional Steer Wrestler – Straws Milan

Straws Milan

First time 2013 NFR Qualifier

Professional Steer Wrestler



RodeoChat: First off, Congrats on qualifying for the 2013 NFR for your first time! How does it feel to say “Hey I Made it”?

Straws Milan: Unbelievable words can’t explain it’s been a dream since I was a little kid and now it has finally come true!

RC: Explain the hard work it took to qualify for the NFR for those that are trying to chase that dream.

SM: It took lots of practice and riding really good horses was one of the biggest parts that helped me out.

RC: Of Course! How many horses did it take to get to the right horse to lead you to the NFR?

SM: I did good on lots of the horses I rode over the last 4 years, but this year I started on AJ and I got on a roll with him.

RC: Now that you found the perfect horse.. Straws Milan, how did you stay focused & driven? For example: Do you do any rituals, workout?

SM: I don’t have any rituals I just knew I had to enter every good rodeo possible and plan on being away from home lots.

RC: Living the dream! So what got you into steer wrestling & have you tried any other rodeo events besides Steer Wrestling?

SM: My dad was a Steer Wrestler and both my brothers did to so I followed in their footsteps, I tried to rope a bit but didn’t have no luck.

RC: First times a charm! How many rodeos do you compete in a year or does it very?

SM: Between Canada and the USA around 70-80 but this year I only went to 60 all together.

RC: Before we end tonight’s chat.. Is there anyone you wanna thank sponsors/family etc..

SM: I have no sponsors so I guess there out but the biggest thank you goes out to my Mom and Dad love you two. You made it possible!

Fan Questions:

Billy Richards (Twitter Name: @WildBill234) :

Did you ever try rough stock?

SM: I tried riding a bareback horse once and it never went to good.

Devon Mezei (Twitter Name: @devonmezei) :

I heard your brother Tanner got on a bareback once how did that go?

SM: Not real good either I guess we were just meant to be Steer Wrestlers.

– Paige Gregory –


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